Come As You Are

A poem of when God finds the broken

Elle Kelly
2 min readMay 21, 2023
Photo by Kai Dahms on Unsplash

Enter this open door crawling
and broken.

You were pushed through
an unspeakable hell
by demons of a familiar face.

How have you struggled
in the uncomfortable
where the air makes it hard
to even breathe.

This darkness is where the Universe finds you,
sprawled out on the floor
and asked God to take your life.

Yet, God sees the light in your heart.
The rescue comes as prayer
pours out from broken lips.

If you only knew how prayer changes things.

Did you not see the stars start to align
once you spoke out your plea?

Just linger for a moment here in the uncomfortable
for we are transformed in the dark.

This is where coal goes under pressure to become a diamond.

Where your ego will break and the light shines through from your soul.
We are energy radiating through human skin.



Elle Kelly

Fascinated by the unexplained, so I often write about it.